JKT48 is Indonesian idol group, also the first overseas sister group of AKB48 from Japan. This group is producered by Yasushi Akimoto the same as AKB48.
Member Profiles
Current Members~
Team J
What is Team J? Team J is the first team of JKT48. From the alphabetic on the name of JKT48, first is team J, second is team K, and later the third team is team T.
Name: Aki Takajo
Birthday: 3 Oktober 1991
Blood: B
Height: 166,5 cm
Nickname: Akicha
Twitter: @AkiTakajoJKT48
Name: Ayana Shahab
Birthday: 3 Juni 1997
Blood: O
Horoscope: Gemini
Height: 154cm
Nickname: A-chan
Twitter: @achanJKT48
Name: Beby Chaesara Anadila
Birthday: 18 Maret 1998
Blood: B
Horoscope: Pisces
Height: 160cm
Nickname: Beby
Twitter: @bebyJKT48
Name: Cindy Gulla
Birthday: 29 Mei 1997
Blood: O
Horoscope: Gemini
Height: 149cm
Nickname: Candy
Twitter: @cindyJKT48
Name: Delima Rizky
Birthday: 25 Oktober 1997
Blood: B
Horoscope: Scorpio
Height: 158cm
Nickname: Pilong
Twitter: @delimaJKT48
ame: Devi Kinal Putri
Birthday: 2 Januari 1996
Blood: A
Horoscope: Capricorn
Height: 162cm
Nickname: Kinal
Twitter: @kinalJKT48
Position: Current Captain
Name: Diasta Priswarini
Birthday: 9 September 1991
Blood: O
Horoscope: Virgo
Height: 165cm
Nickname: Nyash
Twitter: @diastaJKT48
Name: Frieska Anastasia Laksani
Birthday: 4 Maret 1996
Blood: O
Horoscope: Pisces
Height: 157cm
Nickname: Tasya
Twitter: @frieskaJKT48