Senin, 30 Januari 2017


JKT48 is Indonesian idol group, also the first overseas sister group of AKB48 from Japan. This group is producered by Yasushi Akimoto the same as AKB48.
Member Profiles
Current Members~

Team J

What is Team J? Team J is the first team of JKT48. From the alphabetic on the name of JKT48, first is team J, second is team K, and later the third team is team T.

Name: Aki Takajo
Birthday: 3 Oktober 1991
Blood: B
Height: 166,5 cm
Nickname: Akicha
Twitter: @AkiTakajoJKT48


Name: Ayana Shahab
Birthday: 3 Juni 1997
Blood: O
Horoscope: Gemini
Height: 154cm
Nickname: A-chan
Twitter: @achanJKT48

Name: Beby Chaesara Anadila
Birthday: 18 Maret 1998
Blood: B
Horoscope: Pisces
Height: 160cm
Nickname: Beby
Twitter: @bebyJKT48


Name: Cindy Gulla
Birthday: 29 Mei 1997
Blood: O
Horoscope: Gemini
Height: 149cm
Nickname: Candy
Twitter: @cindyJKT48

Name: Delima Rizky
Birthday: 25 Oktober 1997
Blood: B
Horoscope: Scorpio
Height: 158cm
Nickname: Pilong
Twitter: @delimaJKT48

ame: Devi Kinal Putri
Birthday: 2 Januari 1996
Blood: A
Horoscope: Capricorn
Height: 162cm
Nickname: Kinal
Twitter: @kinalJKT48
Position: Current Captain

Name: Diasta Priswarini
Birthday: 9 September 1991
Blood: O
Horoscope: Virgo
Height: 165cm
Nickname: Nyash
Twitter: @diastaJKT48


Name: Frieska Anastasia Laksani
Birthday: 4 Maret 1996
Blood: O
Horoscope: Pisces
Height: 157cm
Nickname: Tasya
Twitter: @frieskaJKT48

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